The American Red Cross In Times of Need

There are some statistics about Americans and charities that are worth noting. Some may pertain specifically to the American Red Cross and clothing donations. They are:
- 70% of people in the U.S. give to charity.
- 3% of American income is given to charities.
- An annual value of $666.1 billion is contributed to the US economy by non-profits.
- Americans consume nearly 20 billion garments a year.
- Americans throw away an average of 10 pounds of clothes per person each year.
- 63% of high net worth donors cite ?giving back to the community? as a chief motivation for giving.
- The American Red Cross provides relief for families and communities in the form of blankets, food, blood and shelter.
- The American National Red Cross is the 13th largest U.S. charity.
- In January 2015, 564,708 people were homeless on a given night in the United States.
- About 15% of the homeless population are considered “chronically homeless? individuals.
- More than 14.3 million tons of donated American textiles help clothe people and families worldwide.
Americans donate a lot of clothing. This is partly because Americans have a lot of clothing. The average Americans buys 68 garments per year, according to one statistics, and Americans still have the habit of throwing them away, where they go into landfills. Some get used as second hand clothing and some gets donated.
There are many organizations in the United States that are trying to change this trend. There are opportunities with many to hold clothing drives, to donate clothes without leaving the home, or by donating clothing to a drop box. It is possible that people simply throw out the clothes that are too raggedy to be donated but that may also be not the case.
One of those organizations is the American Red Cross, which according to one statistic is the 13th largest nonprofit organization in America. While this article focuses on the clothing donations given to the American Red Cross, they do a lot of other work as well. This is important work to many communities.
The main picture that people associate with the American Red Cross is the giant red cross circled in white. This picture denotes disaster relief in many areas, where American Red Cross members are sent to help out with general disasters. These may be flooding disasters, fire disasters, disasters from storms, war zones, and more.
The American Red Cross is one of the organizations that is called in often to help with disaster relief, even if it means their members have to go into a war torn area. Their members put themselves in difficult conditions under demanding circumstances and this is part of what makes the American Red Cross stand out.
Because they deal with individuals in disaster areas and because they deal with the homeless population as well, the American Red Cross solicits donations from its donor, both financial and physical. One of the ways to donate to the American Red Cross is to look at their website. A person can make a monetary donation.
Or a person can make a physical donation to their local chapter.
American Red Cross donations come in the form of books, clothing, medical supplies, tents, and other goods that are useful in a disaster relief area. Clothing is one of the most important things as people often do not have adequate clothing when they are moving from a disaster to a disaster relief site.
American Red Cross clothing donations can come to different sites and from different places. Often, people in a local community will make American Red Cross clothing donations that target individuals who are in need of clothing. American Red Cross clothing donations are important for many people. American Red Cross clothing donations are helpful.
There are many terms worth noting in this article. They are Red Cross clothing pick up, Red Cross clothing pickup, Red Cross donation center, Red Cross pickup, used clothing donations, clothes donations, clothing donation center, clothing donation pickup, and much much more.
American Red Cross clothing donations are critical to helping those in disaster areas or those locations where there is an issue with disasters. There is disaster relief as part of the American Red Cross and its issues. The American Red Cross almost always, unless there is a financial or logistics issue, helps those in disaster areas.