Are You Ready to Do Some Real Purging This Summer?

The pink sweater stops you in your tracks every single time.
You remember everything about that day. You came home from work, dressed to go out to dinner with your boyfriend. You had no idea where you were going to eat and what you would be doing afterward, but you did know that even the hottest days of that summer were in the habit of becoming cool in the evening. And even though you were dressed in navy and white that evening, for some reason you grabbed that pink button down cardigan off the couch before you walked out the front door. You had a red jacket that you typically wore with this outfit, but tonight you were running a little late and the pink sweater was the easiest.
Several hours later and in a room full of people, including your parents, who were gathered to congratulate you at the engagement party, you were still wearing that sweater. In every picture of that night, from the romantic ask to the celebratory toast, that sweater was a part of that special evening. That evening that really did get much colder than the earlier temperatures might have predicted.
Special Clothes Contain Fond Memories for Many People
American Red Cross clothing donations depend on everyone having some close that are no longer worn. No longer needed. And while it is true that many of us have a Pink Sweater that is filled with memories that we never want to part with, the fact of the matter is that we all also have many other clothes that are simply taking up space in our lives. Clothes that we have not worn in years. Clothes that we cannot even remember where we bought them. Clothes that once fit us, but are now too small. Fortunately, making American Red Cross clothing donations allows us to clean out our clutter and give to a cause that helps those in need.
No one is saying that you need to give up the Pink Sweaters in your life, but for many Americans it is time to declutter our cramped closets and bursting drawers to make sure that we donate clothing to those who are less fortunate. In fact, the decision to contribute American Red Cross donations means that you are helping an organization that helps people 24 hours a day, seven days a week. In addition to helping others, your donation to the Red Cross or any other selected charity is tax deductible for the value of the items you donate. This means a tax break for you at the end of the year when you agree to part with the clothes that are no longer put to good use in your home.
So keep the pink sweater, but as far as the rest of that messy closet goes, why not become part of the 70% of people in the U.S. who give to American Red Cross clothing donations and other charities each year?