Three Qualities in a Great Preschool

No matter where you live. No matter how you live. No matter what your life looks like. There is one common bond between all parents: They want the best for their child. As a parent, you hope your child have every opportunity in life. You want them to have the best health possible. You want them to get the best education. You want them to have the best chances of success in life. One significant aspect in helping your child reach all the best opportunities is getting them involved in the best schools throughout their academic careers. The first step in doing that is choosing the best preschool for them.
Yes, preschool is more than a decade away from when your child will be looking for a college to get into. However, the benefits of preschool are well established in the world of academia. Choosing the best preschool for your child will help prepare them for kindergarten. And when your child does well in kindergarten, they are put in a good position to do well throughout grade school, which enables them to not only get into the college they choose, but also to do well in college and beyond. To make a short story long, choosing the best preschool for your child is a huge step in helping your child have every opportunity in life.
If you’re wondering how to find a preschool that your child will do well in, you’ve come to the right place. We’ve put together a guide to finding a good preschool:
- Look for a preschool that partners with parents.
One step in choosing the best preschool for your child is understanding what part of their preschool experience you’re going to be responsible for. Let’s start off by clarifying: basically every successful education involves involvement from parents. A good preschool should make sure that there is a good channel of communication between parents and educators. You should be able to email your child’s teacher whenever you have a concern or question. You should definitely have regular parent-teacher conferences. You should know what’s going on with your child’s preschool education because their school includes you as a critical piece in the puzzle.
However, some preschools require more involvement than you can offer. If you put your child in a school that needs frequent volunteer time from parents, or requires that you fund raise for them, or host events, or expects more of you than you can offer, it might negatively impact your child’s preschool education. Make sure you understand what is expected of you before you choose a preschool for your child. - Make sure that you choose a preschool that your child will enjoy.
As the saying goes, you can lead a horse to water but you can’t make them drink. You can jam all the information in the world into a child, but you can’t make them learn. Your child will have the most successful preschool experience (and be best prepared for the rest of their education) if they enjoy participating in the learning activities that they are given. If the preschool they go to approaches learning in a way your child does not enjoy, it will set their entire education on the wrong foot.
Before choosing a preschool for your child, consider spending a day there (most preschools allow this for perspective families) and pay attention how the children are taught. Are they taught through play or in a way that they can engage in? Are they force-fed information through worksheets? Make sure that the method in which the children are given the principles of their education is a way that your child will enjoy. - Look for a preschool that teaches more than just Reading, Writing, and Arithmatic.
Reading and math are the bones of every education. However, your child will gain that in primary school What you really want them to pick up preschool is character development. If your child learns to accept all kids and to show kindness to people who cross their paths, if they learn to problem-solve and handle disputes respectfully, they’ll gain an educational foundation that will strengthen their entire school career.
Do you have any other questions or comments about finding a preschool for your child? Please share below!