Private versus Public Preschools How to Choose the Best One

Choosing the best preschool can often be a challenging process for parents. Even though there may be a reputable public preschool in their area, parents may prefer that their child attend a private preschool instead. Given that private preschools offer smaller classes, enriching activities, and encourage parental participation, they are often the best types of preschools.
It’s interesting to note that almost 30% of three and four years olds are enrolled in some type of private preschool or childcare center. These schools account for 24% of the total number of schools within the United States. Ten percent of all pre-kindergarten to 12th grade students, for example, are enrolled within these private schools. Religiously-affiliated private schools appear to be the most popular, and they enroll 80% of the country’s private school students.
Since private schools have lower student to teacher ratios, children are able to receive more individualized attention. Recent data shows that 36% of private schools have a 10:1 ratio or even lower. When comparing this to the student to teacher ratios of public schools, just ten percent have this desirable ratio.
Many children may not live within the vicinity of a park or recreation center. As a result, these children may not be as active as they could or want to be. When they attend a private school that stresses the importance of physical activities and athletics, this can make a significant impact on their overall health and well-being.
Private schools also offer fun, age-appropriate activities that assist children with developing motor, language, and other important skills. These activities also assist children with building confidence and learning how to interact positively with their peers. Children also benefit from activities that inspire their imagination and creativity such as storytelling along with arts and crafts.
When parents are aware of the benefits of attending a private preschool, it will be that much easier to make a choice between a public and private preschool. Choosing the best preschool is also easier when parental participation is encouraged. Even though many parents may need to work full-time, private preschools offer a variety of opportunities for them to participate with their children’s school.