An Easy Breakdown of Your Child’s Sleep Patterns Up to One Year Old

It is crucial that as soon as your baby is born you develop healthy sleep habits. This is not just for your baby’s health, but for your sanity as well! The sleep patterns of children will change as they get older, so here is a quick guide that will explain everything any new parent needs to know about their child’s sleep schedule up until they are one year old.
Newborn to three months
Typically, newborn babies sleep only one to two hours at a time. Newborn sleeping schedules are pretty erratic as the child does not yet understand the difference between night and day. Newborn baby sleep patterns are not yet established as a baby’s sleep cycle is incredibly short. But once they turn about six weeks old, they will be sleeping longer through the night and a lot less during the day. For newborn sleep safety tips, make sure to keep your child on their back at all times, and never in bed with you. Their crib should be void of any stuffed animals or objects that can become choking hazards as well. Newborn babies sleep soundly without them, so they are unnecessary until they get older.
Three to six months
This is when you need to establish proper nap times and bedtimes, and your baby will be sleeping for anywhere between 14 to 16 hours each day. By the time they are six months, they should only have about two daytime naps to ensure they will be properly tired at nighttime. They are also old enough to settle themselves down when they wake up briefly during the night, so do not feel as if you have to run to their aid every time they stir.
Six to nine months
It is this age that establishing a good nighttime routine comes in handy. Your child is old enough now to understand the difference between night and day, so giving them a bath, reading a story, singing them a lullaby, and changing them into their pajamas will help them sleep soundly.
Nine to 12 months
Now your child is sleeping for about 11 hours a night, and taking two brief naps during the day. This is the most important time to ensure they are getting quality sleep, as it is crucial to their development. Also, make sure to give your child a chance to fall asleep on their own during this age.