You Spend a Lot of Time in Your Bed, Choose the Right Sheets

Today it seems like organic has taken over the nation, implementing new products into our lives that show us that not everything needs to be high in chemicals or bad for our health. Organic products seem to pose less of a threat to our health over time, with proven results from many companies. But did you know that anything can be made organically, from organic sleepwear, to towels, robes, and even organic sheets? Yes, all the way down to the organic queen sheets on your bed, you will find many options that are best for you and your family, and know that you are using products that will keep you safe from harm.
Our Love for Sleep
Americans sleep – a lot. In fact, in America, we are getting much less sleep than we are supposed to have, with a huge 42% of adults getting less than 7 hours of sleep. This means we are falling short of the recommended amount and let’s face it, we want change. Maybe this has to do with the products we use at bedtime and not getting the most comfortable or healthy deep sleep. It is recommended that an adult gets anywhere between 7-9 hours of sleep per night. And, 85% of adults rated a comfortable feel of sheets as one of the lead contributors of a good sleep. So, as Americans, are we really choosing the best products?
Organic queen sheets, full sheets, and king size could bring a solution to your lack of sleep in only a matter of nights. Organic is proven to be the best set of products on the market right now, because they keep you in mind, and help protect your family in ways that you may have never thought about. Do you want your children sleeping on sheets made in a factory where chemicals are being released into the air and dirtying the fabric without us even knowing? Sales of organic products in the U.S. have been steadily rising to 8.8% in 2016, and are only getting better.
Because of these statistics, we must be aware that organic is the best on the market and will offer us the best benefits for the entire family.