Where Will Your Children Attend School?

This is it. After driving your children nearly five miles to the half day Montessori preschool where they first started, the short five block drive that both of your daughters made to the high school closets to your house, this educational journey has been a long one.
Most of the time you have been thrilled with the educational options that have been part of this journey. You would not be telling the truth, however, if you said that it has been easy. You have struggled with what to do when an ineffective teacher has been part of one of the girls’ day; you have had a couple of instances where the decisions that an administrator has met did not feel right; and, of course, your heart has ached when on of the girls did not get selected for something that they had auditioned or applied for.
In all of these years, however, your family has found that the local public schools have been the solution. You realize, however, that this is not the case in all parts of the country. While the public schools in the midwest are still strong and remain an educational priority for many law makers, you know that this is not the case in some of the other parts of the nation.
The Best Private Preschools Are the Best Educational Choice for Many Families
Even when children are young and just beginning their educational journey, it is important to remember that today’s world is competitive. The advantages of attending private schools are often evident right away. From half day preschool classes to the competitive advanced placement classes in the high schools in the largest of cities, it is always important to make sure that you are providing your children with all of the options that they need to succeed. From computer labs for high schoolers to summer camps for kids, there are many kinds of options that people find are important.
Computer labs, for instance, allow students to make sure that they know how to use the latest educational options to their advantage. Likewise, summer camps provide settings where children can continue to learn during the months of June, July, and August. Digital textbooks are a part of many classrooms so computer labs are increasingly important. In a time when many public school budgets are being cut and classroom behaviors are getting worse, it is often easy to understand why there are many families who know that the private school options are the best ones for them.
The latest research indicates that as many as 2.63 million students were enrolled in private elementary schools in the U.S. in the year 2016. This impressive number continues to increase for a number of reasons. One of them, however, is reflected by the fact that 21% of public school teachers report that student apathy is a problem in their school. This number compares to the mere 4% of private school teachers who report apathy is a problem.
Smaller class sizes and a focus on the latest teaching techniques are just some of the reasons that private school options are increasingly important. Even in the midwest where public schools offer strong educational choices, a recent Omaha World Herald article indicated that the private schools in the Omaha Archdiocese have the highest overall ACT test scores. In Nebraska, like many other states in the nation, all juniors take the ACT on a designated date in April. The most recent report about the scores in the city of Omaha report that the average score in the Archdiocese schools were slightly higher than any of the other high schools in the region. Many of these private Catholic schools were some of the first schools in the area to eliminate central computer labs in favor of giving all students a laptop or tablet.
In addition, counselors at private schools indicate that they spend nearly 55% of their time on college-related counseling. Public high school counselors, in comparison, indicate that they spend only 22% on college-related counseling. Now is the time to make sure that you are getting the right education for your children. From preschool to high school, education is important for every child in this country.