My Bunk Bed Shopping Adventure

I just want to make it clear that all I wanted was two children. Just two. Did you know that according to the Central Intelligence Agency, most households have 2.06 children? That is what I wanted, and maybe a little dog that could represent that “.06” part of the average household. Life does not always work out the way that we hope, and so I ended up with two sets of twins. I would not trade them for the world, but I just want to emphasize that they were not in the plan. While they were not difficult to accommodate when they were still in cribs, they did eventually grow up and need real beds.
So what do you do with four kids when you have a three bedroom house? One of those bedrooms belongs to me and my husband, and the other one, like most third bedrooms in a three bedroom house, is actually more like a closet with a window. You do the math, and that leaves you with one bedroom for four kids.
After a day of desperate rearranging, my husband and I realized that the only way we were going to have enough bed space for our children, and avoid a house-call from Child Protective Services, was to get creative and opt for wooden bunk beds. You hear the phrase “wooden bunk beds” and you think, well that seems simple enough. Well I have news for you, it is not. You can have a twin over full bunk bed, plain old twin bunk beds, or full over full bunk beds. Add in differing heights, sizes, and cost ranges and you have a real fun shopping trip to make.
Double-decking the beds is possible thanks to the typical design where four pillars support each corner of the upper bed, but then you also have the option of a triple loft bed, which lets you put three kids into one sleeping structure. Had I just had one round of triplets maybe that would have worked, but we ultimately decided on two sets of wooden bunk beds, standard twin over twin size.
These days, you can get bunkbeds in just about any color, shape, and size that you want. If your kids are young enough you can get them a bed without involving them in the selection process, but woe unto you if they are old enough to have a strong opinion on the matter. This was what happened in my case, so you know what I did? I lied. You can do it too, if it is necessary. Tell your children that the wooden bunkbeds come in only one size, shape, and color, so you have no choice!
Hopefully my misadventures have helped you consider a bunkbed solution. Whether you have two, three, or four kids, they can be a real space and sanity saver. Just be careful about letting your kids in on the selection process. Sometimes the parents really do know best.
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Wow, two sets of twins! Do they run in the family? You must be so blessed!
How much did the bunk beds you were looking at cost on average? We have triplets, so we are thinking that we could use a bunk bed and an extra, or maybe a triple loft bed.
How much did the bunk beds you were looking at cost on average? We have triplets, so we are thinking that we could use a bunk bed and an extra, or maybe a triple loft bed.
How much did the bunk beds you were looking at cost on average? We have triplets, so we are thinking that we could use a bunk bed and an extra, or maybe a triple loft bed.
How much did the bunk beds you were looking at cost on average? We have triplets, so we are thinking that we could use a bunk bed and an extra, or maybe a triple loft bed.
How much did the bunk beds you were looking at cost on average? We have triplets, so we are thinking that we could use a bunk bed and an extra, or maybe a triple loft bed.
How much did the bunk beds you were looking at cost on average? We have triplets, so we are thinking that we could use a bunk bed and an extra, or maybe a triple loft bed.
How much did the bunk beds you were looking at cost on average? We have triplets, so we are thinking that we could use a bunk bed and an extra, or maybe a triple loft bed.
How much did the bunk beds you were looking at cost on average? We have triplets, so we are thinking that we could use a bunk bed and an extra, or maybe a triple loft bed.
How much did the bunk beds you were looking at cost on average? We have triplets, so we are thinking that we could use a bunk bed and an extra, or maybe a triple loft bed.
How much did the bunk beds you were looking at cost on average? We have triplets, so we are thinking that we could use a bunk bed and an extra, or maybe a triple loft bed.
How much did the bunk beds you were looking at cost on average? We have triplets, so we are thinking that we could use a bunk bed and an extra, or maybe a triple loft bed.
How much did the bunk beds you were looking at cost on average? We have triplets, so we are thinking that we could use a bunk bed and an extra, or maybe a triple loft bed.
How much did the bunk beds you were looking at cost on average? We have triplets, so we are thinking that we could use a bunk bed and an extra, or maybe a triple loft bed.
How much did the bunk beds you were looking at cost on average? We have triplets, so we are thinking that we could use a bunk bed and an extra, or maybe a triple loft bed.